Wednesday, November 21, 2012


    Opportunity… that visit not yet made, that smile not yet shared, that duty not yet done. That is opportunity. 

      The seconds tick-tock their way to eternal reckoning. My eyes land upon my desk drawer, reminding me of stationery waiting for pencil led. Opportunity awaits in that drawer. Opportunity to uplift, encourage, strengthen in God the hand of another. Opportunity to praise the name of the Lord… 

      God gives opportunity… 

      What do we do with it? What do we do with it? Opportunity does not force action. That same desk-drawer paper pad can discourage, dishearten, and disconnect a soul from its Creator. 

      Opportunity surrounds us. The fields are white. The laborers… few. What use will eternity show that we have made of the moments given?

      This is our day of opportunity. Whether pencil must meet line, or mop the kitchen floor, whether song must be sung, or disagreeable thing done... that is opportunity. What we do with it? It's up to us. 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Consider It Joy

Long centuries ago, a scripture was penned,
Enlightening the Christian's night
A precept to show, and blessing defend,
It still gives to Christian's their sight
This word in the flame, when taken to heart,
Will comfort, bring hope, and uplift
In floods, just the same, a gift t'will impart,
To buoy those who feel they're adrift

So what is this word, this most precious thought,
That cheers those who heed it's advice?
That tests those who've heard, entreating for naught,
The ones who make gloom to suffice?
Oh, "Count it all joy", is Heaven's high word,
To all who face trial and test
When troubles annoy, and grief seems assured,
This note rings above all the rest

Consider it joy, and count it the same,
When troubles and trials surround
When fear would destroy, all peace in the flame,
Faith holds, and so joy can abound
This joy will not come, apart divine grace,
- It's song is a gift from above -
But will overcome, in trial's dark face,
Through faith in God's mercy and love!