Fresh, clean, quiet. There are few times in a week I relish more than Friday night. The tide of the week has receded. Little pools alone remain as it were, calm and still. The light of day softens to gold, gilding the evening as if in welcome.
We sit, usually. Absorbed in something of study, or thought, or just in the picture out the window. And then it happens. Someone looks up. It could be any of us. We all know the routine. But we all love it, and somebody has to start it.
Shall we talk about what we’re thankful for?
And thus ensues the evening.
Sometimes when discouragement or weariness threatens, we widen the mold. Friday night, Sunday night, Tuesday morning, it doesn’t matter. What are you thankful for?
It’s a kind of calibration system, a compass for where we’re at. Disappointments and trials may come, but thanksgiving notwithstanding acknowledges that we have received good at the hand of God. That we receive, and God gives.
And His giving is good. For that is the way He is.
Because Thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise Thee. Thus I will bless Thee while I live. Psalm 63:3-4
The reality that God is, (that merciful, gracious, righteous, is He, and that He is real), is enough to supply the fund of our praise.
Take out your compass. Maybe it’s dusty. Maybe it’s had recent use, but regardless, it bares a loaded question. Loaded that is, with health-giving, life-giving, blessing:
What are you thankful for?