Wednesday, January 9, 2013

...Nothing to Fear... pt. 3

      So I was waiting, and finally, I heard. What I heard was the unmistakable clink of a shut door, totally, thoroughly, shut. 

      But God is merciful. The next few days were full of precious blessings, heart-searching, prayer,  and waiting. This waiting was a bit different though. I knew I was waiting, not for the last textbook chapter, not for the completion of paperwork, nor for the go-ahead of the nursing home. God was calling me to wait. for. Him. He was calling me to a willingness to go or stay, to do or not to do, as He saw fit. He was calling me to examine my heart and redefine the purpose for which I live.

      The One who commissioned His followers to go into all the world, does not lack a place in His field for any one. He knows the spot that is best suited for the training and discipline of those who give themselves to His service. God calls us to the work that lies nearest, to minister to those who are dearest, but His call is sometimes to leave the familiar, to step out of our comfort zone.

      Then I heard. 

      Not an audible voice, nor a silent impression. This time it was the vibrating of my phone. I didn’t get the call… in more ways than one. Actually, I laughed. Even as I did so, the thought flashed across my consciousness that this was really interesting timing.

      My schoolmate called again (before I had returned her first call), and then again. I knew I ought to pray about her proposition. Talking to her only convinced me further that I needed to pray.

            To be continued...


  1. Lauralea! This part, "He was calling me to a willingness to go or stay, to do or not to do, as He saw fit. He was calling me to examine my heart and redefine the purpose for which I live." is JUST where we are now. I appreciate your story, even though I already know it ... it encourages me to REST for now, knowing that we will hear soon, too. Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. AT! :) That with which we are familiar is more likely that which we appreciate... Mmmm... How wonderful that we _can_ rest when we must wait!
