Sunday, August 10, 2014

God Rules Above

Though most of the time spent near this little garden was full of very wearying pursuits, the pictures paint portraits of peaceful moments spent in the garden. How often are we very near to the garden, but not there, still not with the Gardener. Those moments with Him are better than the "necessities" of life. The word is life to those that find it. Burdens lighten, stresses dissolve, for humanity can see that there is One who orders the affairs of men. One who orders things right. 

God rules above.

Why be anxious oh my soul?
God rules above.
And He holds supreme control,
Yet reigns in love.
For the times when all seems grim,
Let us only look to Him,
And those troubles will grow dim,
God rules above.

Circumstances may look bleak,
But trust His hand
For He leadeth still the meek,
To better land.
All we have may be too small,
But 'tis then we must recall,
That One ruleth overall,
God rules above.

When confusion weighs the mind
Which way to go,
When the eyesight seems so blind
It cannot know,
Then on bended knee behold,
As our Guide will there unfold,
All the map that we can hold,
God rules above.

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